Do you run your business from home? These days, more and more small businesses are going virtual, and some of the most successful small businesses are run entirely from home. With online conferencing and project management tools, websites where you can outsource to workers all over the world, and most clients now recognizing that working from home doesn?t mean you?re small potatoes, there?s no reason not to be home-based.
But while working from home may no longer have the stigma it used to back in the 1980s or ?90s, it brings with it its own set of challenges, as any home-based small business owner knows. After three years of working from home, my partners and I have learned a lot about staying energetic and motivated.
Here?s what works for us:
I struggled with working from home for a long time because I?m a social animal. I really missed rubbing shoulders with colleagues in the office like I used to as an employee, and I felt ?stuck? and unmotivated. So I make it a point to schedule meetings with people pretty much every day, whether it?s a potential client, a possible partner or just someone who wants to pick my brain (or will let me pick theirs). It gets me out of the office, and also drives new business.
Get Out of the House
One of my business partners is a hermit type who seemed made to work from home, but after a while even she started to hate facing her computer in the mornings. So she makes it a point to just get out of the house?not necessarily to meet with people, but just to run quick errands or meet a friend for lunch. We all need a change of scenery from time to time to inspire and energize us.
Group Similar Tasks
Going from email to writing a proposal to brainstorming with your partners and back again can scatter your energy, since your brain has to switch focus each time you change tasks. Instead, try grouping similar tasks. For instance, set aside one morning a week for a virtual team meeting; spend an hour returning phone calls and emails; block out a few hours to write a proposal. You?ll get into the groove of each task you?re doing and be more effective.
Automate Your Breaks
I was surprised how much more intense working at home can feel than working in an office. In an office, you?ve got natural breaks with employees interrupting you or simply walking down the hall to get coffee. At home, you can hunch over your computer for what seems like days on end. There are plenty of reminder tools online (Stretchclock is one I like) that you can set to remind yourself to get up and stretch every so often. There are also plenty of studies that spending time on Facebook or checking out cat videos online can actually improve your work performance (just be sure you limit it to 10 or 15 minutes so you don?t get sucked in).
Get a Dog
It?s easy to ignore those popup stretch reminders on your computer, isn?t it? One home-based business owner I know admits he used to spend 12 hours at a stretch at his desk. Then he got a dog that needs to be walked twice a day and won?t let him forget it. He can?t believe how much more productive he is since he started taking those two quick breaks a day.
I?m not an exercise junkie myself (I hate doing it actually) but my two partners swear getting in a daily workout makes them more effective. One loves to get it out of the way first thing in the morning before the emails start pouring in; the other loves using it as a quick midday break to clear her head. Figure out what works for you.
Do Home Stuff
For home-based women business owners in particular, a looming business deadline can sometimes make household chores like cleaning out the refrigerator look tempting by comparison. If a list of chores is weighing on (and distracting) you, jot them down and then take a quick (10 minute) break to put in a load of laundry, run the vacuum or wash the dishes. You?ll get a break and kill two birds with one stone.
Recognize Your Work Style
One of the best benefits of working from home?and one reason so many entrepreneurs embrace it?is you don?t have to force yourself into a 9-to-5 lifestyle if that?s not your ?bag.? Figure out when and how you work best, whether that?s getting up at 4:30 a.m. to answer client emails, taking 3 hours for dinner and kid time and then working late into the night, meditating once a day or working balanced on an exercise ball.
My partners and I have found our home-based work styles by trial and error. Trust your gut, and do the same.
Walking Dog Photo via Shutterstock
About Rieva Lesonsky

al gore la dodgers lawrence o donnell magic johnson jetblue pilot solicitor general neighborhood watch
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